Thursday, December 24, 2009

Beer Review 24 - Young's Double Chocolate Stout

Young’s Double Chocolate Stout is imported from Wells and Young’s Brewing in Bedford, UK. This is one of the beers Silvie and I sampled at the Pours for Purrs in Redmond a few months back. This is a very nice stout. Pours solid black with the usual light brown foamy head. There is a nice dark chocolate aroma. Yum. They use real dark chocolate, which really comes through along with a coffee-like malt in the taste. This is a really tasty stout.

Beer Review 23 - Shiner Bock

Today’s beer is Shiner Bock, from the Spoetzl Brewery in Shiner, TX. A bock is a strong lager, with a malt presence. The Shiner is the first Bock I’ve sampled, and I like this beer, without being too impressed. It had a fizzy pour but I was unable to raise much of a head. It is cola-colored and has a pleasant aroma. It’s definitely a lager taste, but a little sweeter and malty. Strangely, there is a quite pleasant taste that hits the mouth which evaporates almost instantly, leaving you with the feeling of having just drunk seltzer. This is a low ABV brew, and the light, extremely drinkable taste, would make this a class A session beer for me. I could drink a dozen of these. Not bad. By the end of the beer I was craving another one. I’d take this over the run of the mill lager any day, although it’s not much to write home to momma about.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Beer Review 22 - St. Peter's Cream Stout

This is a sweet stout from the St. Peter's Brewery in Suffolk England. It was a gift, like many of my recent brews, from Silvie; and I'm pleased to say that it is very good. It poured almost pure black with just the barest hint of ruby red. A nice, rich, sweet coffee-like smell prepares the mouth for a nicely complex dark, roasted flavor. Coffee and molasses are noticeable. Nice, full body, with no bitterness. A quite delicious creamy stout.

Beer Review 21 - Duvel

Duvel is a Belgian Strong Pale Ale from Brouwerij Duvel Moortgat. It utilizes pilsner malt and white sugar, as well as saaz hops. As such, it has characteristics of both an ale and a pilsner. It is a golden ale, and it looks unlike any beer I've had thus far. A cloudy gold color, with a huge, white, loose-bubbled, soapy head. Seemingly endless carbonation streaming from the bottom center. There is a light, fruity aroma (citrus or pear or apple?). The taste is marvellous. Crisp, refreshing, fruity. Absolutely no bitterness or skunkiness. It tastes near to cider. Very easy-drinking; wonderful.

Beer Review 20 - Guinness Draught

Finally, I sample a tall can of Guinness Draught. This is a nitro-can which has a little widget inside (sort of like a ping-pong ball) which helps deliver a distinctive gas discharge into the beer when the can is popped open. It made a cool whistling noise and the beer poured beautifully. Nearly solid black, with the thickest of heads. Impressive looking beer. However, the taste leaves so much to be desired. This is thin, watery and bitter. Even though it was chilled it still tasted warm; yet, unlike the 250th Anniversary stout, I thought the warmness seemed to accentuate the wateriness and blandness. Geesh, just not good at all. I won't give up on Guinness, I have yet to have one drawn from a tap. But, whoa. I don't think I will be picking this up again.

Beer Review 19 - Samuel Smith's Nut Brown Ale

Hmm, another Brown Ale? Why not? This English Brown Ale is from the venerable Samuel Smith Old Brewery in Tadcaster, England. I've already positively reviewed Sam's Imperial Stout, and I very much like this offering, too. A billowy, lacy, off-white head tops a beautiful chestnut beer. Not much for the nose here; a clean, slightly nutty smell. The taste is a battle between bitter and sweet, with a nutty undertone. Creamy mouthfeel. A little bitterness at the back of the mouth is the only false note. Rich and malty, dark and hearty. Thumbs up.

Beer Review 18 - Rogue Hazelnut Brown Nectar

Rogue Hazelnut Nrown Nectar is an American Brown Ale from Rogue Ale Brewery in Newport, OR. It has a pretty maple color in the glass with a thinnish tan head. The aroma is quite pleasing, nutty and malty. Mmm, a strong, dark flavor with a definite twinge of sweet nuttiness. I also taste molasses and honey. A malty finish. The sweetness and honey bring to mind baklava. Nothing wrong with that. I like it very much.

Beer Review 17 - Duchesse de Bourgogne

Duchesse de Bourgogne is a Flemish red ale from Brouwerij Verhaeghe in Vichte, Belgium. It is oak-aged for 18 months and then blended with 8-month old brew. Silvie bought me this beer for my birthday because she liked the picture on the label. The bottle looks like a wine bottle, and has a cork and wire hood. I popped the cork and poured out a tall glass. It had a nice, clean fruity smell and a tiny stubborn head. Great ruby red color. And, damn, what a taste! Fruity, nice body, sour finish. Almost more like wine than beer. Just incredible. I absolutely loved this beer and can’t wait to try more Belgian brews. Bring ‘em on!

Beer Review 16 - Anchor Steam Beer

Anchor Steam comes from Anchor Brewing in San Francisco, California. This is a traditional West Coast brew which uses lager yeasts brewed at ale fermentation temperatures. It’s really a nice-bodied lager. It is a gorgeous amber color with a spunky, tiny-bubbled head. The smell is earthy/grassy, not much to recommend it. But, man, this beer tastes fantastic. Eminently drinkable, smooth, not too fizzy, with a nice citrus and malt flavor. Just plain delicious. Try one.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Beer Review 15 - Guinness Extra Stout

Guinness Extra Stout. Whoa, I bit off more than I could chew with this stout. I bought a 1 pint, 6 ounce bottle from the grocery store and was eager to try it, as I really enjoyed the 250th Anniversary version. This Extra Stout poured pure black with the customary thick, caramel-colored head. But from the first mouthful I knew I was in trouble. My tastebuds were overwhelmed by the powerful bitterness and it was a chore (sorry to say) to even finish it. I have yet to try the Guinness Draught (there is a can chilling in my fridge now) but I really just could not handle this beer. A disappointment after enjoying the Samuel Smith Imperial Stout. Oh well. Can’t win ‘em all.

Beer Review 14 - Abita Amber

Abita Amber is the flagship beer of the Abita Brewing Company in Abita Springs, Louisiana. It is a Munich style lager, brewed from crystal malt and Perle hops. It’s a very tasty beer. The smell is heavenly, spicy with a touch of caramel; and this is borne out in the flavor as well. A nicely smooth, malty beer with medium body and a great clean finish. Thumbs up for this one.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Beer Review 13 - Tecate

This beer is Tecate, brewed by CuauhtĂ©moc Moctezuma and named after the town of Tecate in Baja California, where it was originally brewed. It tastes to me like the Budweiser of Mexico. Pretty basic pale lager. Bitter, bland, uninspired; yet it goes down smoother the more you drink. Hmm, seems like I’ve been here before…. Not a horrible beer, but I think I’m getting too used to things like flavor and character. Oh well, I’m sure I’ll have this beer again, especially when I’m putting away a sweet homemade quesadilla (like I did tonight).

Beer Review 12 - Orval Trappist Ale

I’m trying my first Trappist beer, the highly regarded Orval Trappist Ale from the Abbaye Notre-Dame d’Orval monastery in the Gaume region of Belgium. This is a complex beer with a distinctive flavor produced by a unique yeast strain. I poured this beer to raise a head, but I should have done my research first. What a dense, stubborn, beautiful pillow of froth! Incredible. There was a hoppy aroma which was quite agreeable. The first taste was a surprise – such an unusual citrusy-yet-earthy taste. Very fizzy, very hoppy, and a nice smooth drink from start to finish. I’ve read a lot about balance in beer, but this is the first I’ve really tasted it. Definite hoppy bitterness, yet the citrus balances the hops very nicely. I was impressed by this beer, and I imagine I’ll have another at some point. I haven’t spoken of price yet in my reviews, but it bears mentioning that this beer was $6.75 for an 11.2 oz bottle at my local specialty beer house. I truly don’t mind spending a bit in order to taste a rare beer, but I can’t help but let that steep price affect my review, even if just a bit. The price point is just too steep to make this a regular buy. It is one of the best beers I’ve had so far, though. Nice aftertaste. I feel like my tastebuds have been primed for another one. Okay, where’s my wallet?

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Beer Review 11 - Samuel Smith's Imperial Stout

Samuel Smith’s Imperial Stout. This dark beer comes from the Samuel Smith Brewery in Tadcaster, Yorkshire, England. This is the second dark beer I’ve tried, and would put it on par with the Guinness 250 I tried earlier. This one actually poured much darker, pure black. High ABV, too. It had a coffee smell and an impressive thick caramel-colored head. This beer tasted dark and roasty, with a little extra-dark chocolate and coffee too. Then I recognized a dark rye flavor. I enjoyed it. It left no bad aftertaste at all, and got much better as I got through the glass. I could definitely see how this would be good warm as well. Wow, what a dark, complex beer. One of the best ones I’ve had thus far.

Beer Review 10 - Bridgeport IPA

The next beer is the celebrated Bridgeport IPA from down the I-5 in Portland. This is a multiple award-winning beer. Nice head, great lacing, good sweet aroma. Hmm, bitterness. I did not have a good initial response to the taste, and the bitterness is intensifying in the aftertaste. I might at this point suspect that I’m not a pale/amber ale kind of guy. It somewhat bothers me when I dislike a beer that gets such rave reviews, but I just don’t care for this one.

Beer Review 9 - Bohemia Clasica

Today’s beer is another import, Mexico’s most awarded beer (or so they say), Bohemia. This is a pale lager. It pours quite yellow, has a thin head with minimal stickiness, and slight predictable lager smell. It is quite fizzy and has a nice crisp bite to it. A wheat flavor too, perhaps. There is no skunkiness, and a nice smooth aftertaste. A refreshing lager. Mmm, nothing wrong with this beer. Check it out.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Beer Review 8 - Redhook ESB

Next, I’m sampling a local staple, the Redhook ESB. Redhook is a Seattle-born brewery which now operates in Woodinville, WA and Portsmouth, NH. I’ve been to the brewery in Woodinville, with Silvie and my mom and brother, but it was crowded and a bit of a wait for the next tour, so we went to a nearby winery instead. ESB is Redhook’s flagship beer, and stands for Extra Special Bitter. A bitter beer is a pale ale, and an ESB is a stronger bitter. The Redhook ESB pours nicely, with an amber color and a creamy head. I taste slight honey and bitter hops. There is an unfortunate, almost metallic, coppery smell and taste, as if a roll of pennies were soaking at the bottom. Not thrilled. And the bitter pill taste lingers. Hmm. I don’t feel too bad about missing that tour.

Beer Review 7 - Smithwick's Irish Ale

Today, I’m trying my first Irish Red Ale, and it’s Smithwick’s (pronounced “Smitticks” or “Smithicks”), from Ireland’s oldest operating brewery, founded in 1710. Nowadays, it is owned by Diageo, which also owns Guinness. Red ales get their distinctive color from a bit of roasted barley, and this is certainly one of the most beautiful beers I’ve poured thus far. The color is deep red, the head nice, and lacing impressive. There was little in the way of aroma and the first taste was underwhelming. It was quite bitter and earthy, although the bitterness did not last and turned into a not-unpleasant caramel flavor. Medium-bodied. Slightly fizzy. I would not whole-heartedly recommend it based on my first bottle, but I’d definitely try it again. Middle-of-the-road but somehow intriguing.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Beer Review 6 - Guinness 250th Anniversary Stout

My feeling about “dark beers” has been one of “No way, Jose” since I tried one of my college roommate’s bottles of Sam Adams back in the day (what? 1992?). I’m not sure what variety of Sam it was; but I know that it was too dense, dark and malty for me, and ever since I’ve had a hands-off policy towards dark beers. Never even looked twice at a stout (although I’ve been somewhat curious about the fabled Guinness name for a long time). I picked up a bottle of this Guinness 250th Anniversary Stout at Full Throttle Bottles, and thought I’d give it a whirl. First, this tiny tidbit on this particular offering from the Guinness folks: this is a limited edition, non-nitro carbonated, maltier (and less creamy) version of the real thing. I poured with trepidation, and then waited a good while before sampling. It’s actually a really dark red, but nearly true black in appearance. The head was impressive, but I didn’t really get anything in the way of aroma. When I finally sipped, I was pleasantly surprised. I don’t want to give this brew an inflated mark merely because it surpassed my low expectations. I’ll simply state that I very much enjoyed it. There is a bit of a chocolate taste in there, but just a bit. A nice roasty taste and good body. Not overwhelming, and quite drinkable. Someday, I’ll sample the real deal.

Beer Review 5 - New Belgium Fat Tire Amber Ale

Today’s beer is one I see in the supermarket often (but have not tried until now). It is Fat Tire Amber Ale by New Belgium Brewing of Fort Collins, Colorado. New Belgium is the same name on my tasting glass. I bought the glass at Full Throttle Bottles in the Georgetown section of Seattle. I picked it exclusively for its shape, as I hadn’t had their beers before. It’s a great glass. I can’t say as much for the beer, unfortunately. It has the requisite beautiful amber color and the first hit of aroma was nice. However, at the first taste I found that I was definitely underwhelmed. It seemed like a molasses taste I was getting. The bottle touts “biscuit-like malt flavors coasting in equilibrium with hoppy freshness.” I don’t think I was quite getting that. Then the aroma seemed to turn on me and became (quite inextricably) associated with the rotting vegetable smell of our compost transport bin. This beer did not improve as I drank, and the odor did not help. I’d be willing to try this beer again just to give it another chance, but for now it’s a thumbs-down.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Beer Review 4 - Ayinger Oktober Fest-Marzen

This beer is the Ayinger Oktober Fest-Marzen, an “authentic Bavarian Festival lager” according to the label. This style of brewing dates from 16th century Bavaria. The Ayinger Oktober Fest is pale brown and medium-to full bodied, very malty and slightly sweet. It sports a nice clingy head (good lacing, as the beer guys would say) and has a rich, complex taste. This is the boldest beer I’ve tried so far, and after an initial “whoa!” I found that I really enjoyed it. The Ayinger Brewery was founded in 1878 and brews its Marzen in the traditional fashion. I suppose I’m drinking this a month late, but better late than never. This is a tasty brew.

Beer Review 3 - Leavenworth Whistling Pig Hefeweizen

Today I am trying the Leavenworth Whistling Pig Hefeweizen from the Fish Brewing Company in nearby Olympia. This is the first hefeweizen, or wheat beer, I have tried. From the research I’ve done, I’m not sure that this beer is truly representative of the hefeweizen style (and I definitely plan on trying a German hefe in the future). This beer is unfiltered, which is easily noticeable in the cloudy appearance. Most wheat beers are top-fermented, and it tastes to me like a light-bodied ale. There is something in the taste that disagreed with me (the wheat, I wonder?), so I’m not really on board with this beer. The glass got a bit better as I drank, but not much. Not horrible, by any means, just not something I’ll jump at in the future.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Beer Review 2 - Newcastle Brown Ale

For my second beer review I have chosen a popular ale from England – Newcastle Brown Ale, introduced in the eponymous city in 1927. An ale differs from a lager in that it uses top-fermenting yeast which promotes a more full-bodied taste. Brown ales are produced by using a darker barley malt. Coming from a pale lager background, I wasn’t fully prepared to like this beer, but was quite pleasantly surprised. It poured beautifully, with a nice thick head and appropriately dark brown color. The aroma was kind of roasty (if there is such a word) and the taste was similar and also a bit nutty. It was definitely more full-bodied than the lager, but not bitter at all. Very good – wish I’d bought more than one bottle!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Beer Review 1 - Pilsner Urquell

For me, beer has always been strictly about drinkability (and the more, the merrier!) but I am attempting with this blog page to expand my beer palate. Owing to my thus far extremely narrow-focused approach to the beverage, I know that there is a world of flavors, colors and aromas awaiting me. It will be a fun and exciting journey! Also, I hope to become more educated about the various ingredients in beer and the many styles of brewing it. But for now, my reviews will focus on what I learn about the beer, how it presents itself, and whether or not I like it. I do not yet have the palate nor the beer vocabulary to discuss the beer in any more specific terms.

This being my first beer tasting, I thought I’d start on (sort of) familiar ground. Pilsner Urquell comes from the town of Plzen, Czech Republic. It bills itself as “the original pilsner” and has been produced since 1842. A pilsner is a pale lager, made with bottom-fermenting yeast, and is purportedly the model for most of the American lagers that I’ve been throwing back for nearly 20 years now. So, this is, in a way, the granddaddy of those Coors’ Lights and MGDs and Rolling Rocks I’ve been enjoying since high school (sorry mom, it’s true).

This beer looks, smells and tastes like those good old American brews, but beyond the cache of being the original, there really is nothing that sets it apart from the others (or from a beer like Heineken, for that matter). This beer is tasty, don’t get me wrong. I look at the bottle, and I sing that old Joni Mitchell line “I could drink a case of youuuuuu.” Very drinkable, no bitterness and minimal skunkiness. It leaves a sweet taste in the mouth. A good pale lager from the land of my forefathers. Na zdravĂ­!