Thursday, December 3, 2009

Beer Review 7 - Smithwick's Irish Ale

Today, I’m trying my first Irish Red Ale, and it’s Smithwick’s (pronounced “Smitticks” or “Smithicks”), from Ireland’s oldest operating brewery, founded in 1710. Nowadays, it is owned by Diageo, which also owns Guinness. Red ales get their distinctive color from a bit of roasted barley, and this is certainly one of the most beautiful beers I’ve poured thus far. The color is deep red, the head nice, and lacing impressive. There was little in the way of aroma and the first taste was underwhelming. It was quite bitter and earthy, although the bitterness did not last and turned into a not-unpleasant caramel flavor. Medium-bodied. Slightly fizzy. I would not whole-heartedly recommend it based on my first bottle, but I’d definitely try it again. Middle-of-the-road but somehow intriguing.

1 comment:


    'Tis sure we'll be wearing the green,
    When the calendar says March seventeen,
    To help us to think,
    It's Smithwick's we drink,
    Just try some, you'll know what we mean.
