Saturday, December 12, 2009

Beer Review 15 - Guinness Extra Stout

Guinness Extra Stout. Whoa, I bit off more than I could chew with this stout. I bought a 1 pint, 6 ounce bottle from the grocery store and was eager to try it, as I really enjoyed the 250th Anniversary version. This Extra Stout poured pure black with the customary thick, caramel-colored head. But from the first mouthful I knew I was in trouble. My tastebuds were overwhelmed by the powerful bitterness and it was a chore (sorry to say) to even finish it. I have yet to try the Guinness Draught (there is a can chilling in my fridge now) but I really just could not handle this beer. A disappointment after enjoying the Samuel Smith Imperial Stout. Oh well. Can’t win ‘em all.

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