Sunday, December 6, 2009

Beer Review 11 - Samuel Smith's Imperial Stout

Samuel Smith’s Imperial Stout. This dark beer comes from the Samuel Smith Brewery in Tadcaster, Yorkshire, England. This is the second dark beer I’ve tried, and would put it on par with the Guinness 250 I tried earlier. This one actually poured much darker, pure black. High ABV, too. It had a coffee smell and an impressive thick caramel-colored head. This beer tasted dark and roasty, with a little extra-dark chocolate and coffee too. Then I recognized a dark rye flavor. I enjoyed it. It left no bad aftertaste at all, and got much better as I got through the glass. I could definitely see how this would be good warm as well. Wow, what a dark, complex beer. One of the best ones I’ve had thus far.

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