Thursday, December 3, 2009

Beer Review 8 - Redhook ESB

Next, I’m sampling a local staple, the Redhook ESB. Redhook is a Seattle-born brewery which now operates in Woodinville, WA and Portsmouth, NH. I’ve been to the brewery in Woodinville, with Silvie and my mom and brother, but it was crowded and a bit of a wait for the next tour, so we went to a nearby winery instead. ESB is Redhook’s flagship beer, and stands for Extra Special Bitter. A bitter beer is a pale ale, and an ESB is a stronger bitter. The Redhook ESB pours nicely, with an amber color and a creamy head. I taste slight honey and bitter hops. There is an unfortunate, almost metallic, coppery smell and taste, as if a roll of pennies were soaking at the bottom. Not thrilled. And the bitter pill taste lingers. Hmm. I don’t feel too bad about missing that tour.

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