Thursday, December 24, 2009

Beer Review 23 - Shiner Bock

Today’s beer is Shiner Bock, from the Spoetzl Brewery in Shiner, TX. A bock is a strong lager, with a malt presence. The Shiner is the first Bock I’ve sampled, and I like this beer, without being too impressed. It had a fizzy pour but I was unable to raise much of a head. It is cola-colored and has a pleasant aroma. It’s definitely a lager taste, but a little sweeter and malty. Strangely, there is a quite pleasant taste that hits the mouth which evaporates almost instantly, leaving you with the feeling of having just drunk seltzer. This is a low ABV brew, and the light, extremely drinkable taste, would make this a class A session beer for me. I could drink a dozen of these. Not bad. By the end of the beer I was craving another one. I’d take this over the run of the mill lager any day, although it’s not much to write home to momma about.

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