Friday, December 11, 2009

Beer Review 12 - Orval Trappist Ale

I’m trying my first Trappist beer, the highly regarded Orval Trappist Ale from the Abbaye Notre-Dame d’Orval monastery in the Gaume region of Belgium. This is a complex beer with a distinctive flavor produced by a unique yeast strain. I poured this beer to raise a head, but I should have done my research first. What a dense, stubborn, beautiful pillow of froth! Incredible. There was a hoppy aroma which was quite agreeable. The first taste was a surprise – such an unusual citrusy-yet-earthy taste. Very fizzy, very hoppy, and a nice smooth drink from start to finish. I’ve read a lot about balance in beer, but this is the first I’ve really tasted it. Definite hoppy bitterness, yet the citrus balances the hops very nicely. I was impressed by this beer, and I imagine I’ll have another at some point. I haven’t spoken of price yet in my reviews, but it bears mentioning that this beer was $6.75 for an 11.2 oz bottle at my local specialty beer house. I truly don’t mind spending a bit in order to taste a rare beer, but I can’t help but let that steep price affect my review, even if just a bit. The price point is just too steep to make this a regular buy. It is one of the best beers I’ve had so far, though. Nice aftertaste. I feel like my tastebuds have been primed for another one. Okay, where’s my wallet?

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