Sunday, November 29, 2009

Beer Review 6 - Guinness 250th Anniversary Stout

My feeling about “dark beers” has been one of “No way, Jose” since I tried one of my college roommate’s bottles of Sam Adams back in the day (what? 1992?). I’m not sure what variety of Sam it was; but I know that it was too dense, dark and malty for me, and ever since I’ve had a hands-off policy towards dark beers. Never even looked twice at a stout (although I’ve been somewhat curious about the fabled Guinness name for a long time). I picked up a bottle of this Guinness 250th Anniversary Stout at Full Throttle Bottles, and thought I’d give it a whirl. First, this tiny tidbit on this particular offering from the Guinness folks: this is a limited edition, non-nitro carbonated, maltier (and less creamy) version of the real thing. I poured with trepidation, and then waited a good while before sampling. It’s actually a really dark red, but nearly true black in appearance. The head was impressive, but I didn’t really get anything in the way of aroma. When I finally sipped, I was pleasantly surprised. I don’t want to give this brew an inflated mark merely because it surpassed my low expectations. I’ll simply state that I very much enjoyed it. There is a bit of a chocolate taste in there, but just a bit. A nice roasty taste and good body. Not overwhelming, and quite drinkable. Someday, I’ll sample the real deal.

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