Sunday, November 29, 2009

Beer Review 5 - New Belgium Fat Tire Amber Ale

Today’s beer is one I see in the supermarket often (but have not tried until now). It is Fat Tire Amber Ale by New Belgium Brewing of Fort Collins, Colorado. New Belgium is the same name on my tasting glass. I bought the glass at Full Throttle Bottles in the Georgetown section of Seattle. I picked it exclusively for its shape, as I hadn’t had their beers before. It’s a great glass. I can’t say as much for the beer, unfortunately. It has the requisite beautiful amber color and the first hit of aroma was nice. However, at the first taste I found that I was definitely underwhelmed. It seemed like a molasses taste I was getting. The bottle touts “biscuit-like malt flavors coasting in equilibrium with hoppy freshness.” I don’t think I was quite getting that. Then the aroma seemed to turn on me and became (quite inextricably) associated with the rotting vegetable smell of our compost transport bin. This beer did not improve as I drank, and the odor did not help. I’d be willing to try this beer again just to give it another chance, but for now it’s a thumbs-down.

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