Friday, January 15, 2010

Beer Review 30 - Arrogant Bastard Ale

AB is an American Strong Ale from the Stone Brewing Company in Escondido, California. It is a beautiful ruby color with a sudsy, slightly off-white head. It smells like the counter at a bar, but in a good way. Now, right on the bottle is a disclaimer of sorts - an admonition to the weak-kneed not to be surprised if they dislike this brew. It's an appropriately arrogant statement touting the refined quality and uniqueness of the beer within. And it is a very aggressive taste. Bitter would be an irresponsible understatement. This brew gets such high praise on beer review sites, you'd think Jesus Christ peed this stuff right into the bottle. Well, I'll be the Philistine who says that I don't quite understand the appeal of such bitterness in a beer which overwhelms the senses.

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