Saturday, November 28, 2009

Beer Review 3 - Leavenworth Whistling Pig Hefeweizen

Today I am trying the Leavenworth Whistling Pig Hefeweizen from the Fish Brewing Company in nearby Olympia. This is the first hefeweizen, or wheat beer, I have tried. From the research I’ve done, I’m not sure that this beer is truly representative of the hefeweizen style (and I definitely plan on trying a German hefe in the future). This beer is unfiltered, which is easily noticeable in the cloudy appearance. Most wheat beers are top-fermented, and it tastes to me like a light-bodied ale. There is something in the taste that disagreed with me (the wheat, I wonder?), so I’m not really on board with this beer. The glass got a bit better as I drank, but not much. Not horrible, by any means, just not something I’ll jump at in the future.

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