Friday, July 16, 2010

Beer Review 71 - Cuvee Mystique

A Belgian Strong Dark Ale from De Proefbrouwerj in Belgium. Very dark brown - almost black. Thin, tan head and very little lacing. Strong, sour, dark-fruit aroma. This really tastes to me like a stout. A medium mouthfeel, and molassesy (I'm sure that is not a word). Mild alcohol presence for being an 8.5%. tasty, but misnamed. This is like a darkly fruity stout.

Beer Review 70 - Mothership Wit

Okay, I've really been into witbiers lately, and so I thought why not try New Belgium's effort? They pleasantly surprised me with their tasty tripel and, well, they've done it again. Classic cloudy yellow appearance; soapy white head and yummy spiced aroma. Nice! A real winner from these guys. Drinkable and tasty. I'll be picking up many a sixer of these in the future.

Beer Review 69 - Blanche de Chambly

A Unibroue wit (no, not Adam Carolla) this beer pours cloudy yellow with a dense, thick, white head and mucho fizz. Sharp citrus nose. Light mouthfeel. Hmm. Not the best wit I've had, but dangerously drinkable, like flavored water. Alcohol does not show; no lingering aftertaste. The beer that wasn't there....

Beer Review 68 - Dick's Silk Lady

This Belgian-style golden ale (hey, I like those!) comes from Dick's Brewing Co. in Centralia, WA. Pours a nice cloudy gold color. Quite thin head and minimal lacing. Hmm. Clean aroma. Citrus taste. Fizzy. Not bad at all. Thin mouthfeel, but crisp and fruity. Low alcohol and very drinkable. A sixer, please. A good brew, Centralia.

Beer Review 67 - Skinny Dip

This is an American Blonde Ale from New Belgium in Colorado. Copper color with slight off-white, fading head - nice lacing, though. This beer has a dank aroma and, for me, it tastes too close to the brewery's flagship Fat Tire. A bit too hoppy - no likey.