Saturday, November 6, 2010

Beer Review 81 - Allagash Black

A Belgian Strong Dark Ale, this one pours black with a creamy tan head and good lacing. It has a unique flavor, resembling a dark-fruity stout. There is a slightly off-putting anise flavor. This one was not bad but I’ll probably not pick it up again.

Beer review 80 - Allagash Tripel Reserve

Golden color and thick white puffy head with great lacing. Not much nose, but intense flavor! Sweet fruit taste, light-to-medium mouthfeel. Nice bite in aftertaste, and light hopfeel at back of mouth. A tasty tripel, indeed.

Beer Review 79 - New Belgium 1554 Enlightened Black Ale

After a bit of a rocky start, I’ve come to expect good things from this Colorado brewery, and this one did not disappoint. A beautiful deep red color with sudsy off-white head and fantastic lacing. Great dark fruit aroma. Chocolate-stout-like, but with a slighter mouthfeel and a sour ale taste. Nice finish and no bitterness. Outstanding! This is a real winner from NB and has immediately become a go-to brew at the supermarket.

Beer Review 78 - Fischer Tradition Amber

This Euro Dark Lager is imported from Alsace, France and has a nice amber/copper color, and a thick white head with great lacing. Unfortunately it has an odd smell. Taste is not bad, hard to pin down. It’s a bit muted and watery, but there is a mild sour fruit flavor with a slight copper undertone. Easy-drinking and crisp but not much in the flavor department.

Beer Review 77 - Bridgeport Stumptown Tart

This is a Framboise with Oregon raspberries. It pours reddish-copper, almost like a rose wine, with a thin white head and good lacing. Pleasant fruity aroma. EASY drinking – maybe the easiest-drinking brew I’ve had yet (Silvie agreed). Thin for a beer, but with a definite wine feel. The alcohol does not show. Not a great beer, but not bad at all. Quite refreshing.

Beer Review 76 - Dogfish Head Bitches Brew

Well, I had to pick this one up! One of my favorite jazz albums honored with a brew, and the artwork on the label? Yeah, I’ll take two, please. The beer is a Russian Imperial Stout and pours thick and syrupy, dark brown to black in color with a thin dark red head and lacing. The taste of this stout is dark coffee and bittersweet dark chocolate. This brew has some pop too, though, in the form of fizz. It’s complex, and strong. It got better as I drank. The alcohol hid well, too. Nice.

Beer Review 75 - Red Hook 841 Expedition

An American Strong Ale from local Red Hook, this one is a nice ruby red color, with a slight brownish-white head. Nice nutty aroma. Whoa, bitter! Bourbon and malt flavors are present, but the bitterness overpowers. Too bad.